It’s been an amazing run for US gambling revenue, with Nevada on a streak of billion dollar months. We just reported that New Jersey is showing increased profits from last year to this year. So it should be no surprise that the country as a whole is raking in record gaming profits.
Numbers provided by the American Gaming Association and their Commercial Gaming Revenue Tracker show that, as a whole, US gambling generated $4.9 billion in the month of August. It was also the 18th consecutive month that gaming revenue in America showed growth from the year before. This despite the challenges current facing the economy.
Those profits came mostly from the land-based portion of our industry, and specifically casino gambling, with sports betting, and the emerging online gaming market making up the remainder. In fact, sports betting and web-based gaming combined for close to 18% of the total revenue.
The report from the AGA went on to say that “2022 remains on track for another record-setting year. Through the first eight months of the year, commercial gaming revenue totaled $39.21 billion, 14.9% ahead of 2021.”
For a more complete view of what’s happening with in the US gambling market, including a breakdown of verticals and how they performed, be sure to visit the American Gaming Association website.